What is airBNB Clone script?
AirBNB Clone is a vacation rental script, for the travelers to find and book accommodation like house, rooms, cars, hotels, etc. on bases of various criteria like amenities, location, price and photos. All those information like amenities, location and prices are being posted by the host while listing their property for rent. AirBNB Clone is a full-fledged vacation rental script which automates daily tasks such as booking, marketing, schedule management etc. for the properties being listed without the user interface on daily bases. It enables you to set different charges of rent for the whole month.
What types of spaces can be listed or rented??
- A House or Apartment
- A Single Room or Loft
- A Sleeper sofe or futon
- A Boat
- A Tree house
- A Carriage House
- A Castle
- A Island
- A Caravan
- A Yurt
- Many More
How it works for Host?
Step 1: Check your property
Host posting their property should take care of cleanliness at its property, working condition of the amenities of the property and arranging them in order. It is necessary to maintain the same. As the place is photographed and uploaded so, the quality of service should be match the standard with the photos being uploaded. As the clients are being so choosy in matters of they paying you. Thus you should take some tips before you go far snapshots of your place.
Keeping your place neat and tidy along with well organized structure, will help you to get it rented on first basis. Once, cheking of property is accomplished, proceed towards the next step.
Step 2: List your space with NCrypted airBNB Clone
Click the button “List your Space!” to list your property for rent. This includes few steps within it. Starts with choosing the property type, rent price, address, contact details, uploading photo and finally updating calendar to mention the daily deal price of that property. “Calender” feature helps the client to check the rent price of the property daily and for the host it gets easy to update the price of the property daily if he wants, without much efforts.
Step 3:Interact with guest
As soon as guest approaches your property for rent, you will receive a notification as message and a mail is drafted to your inbox about the same. Then host can proceed with client request directly through mail or message system that is available for the communication. Even if the guest is having query, airBNB Clone still notifies you with the mail and message.
Step 4:Approve guest booking & make money through commission
Host is not allowed to confirm any reservation if he is not comfortable with the guest requesting any of his property on rent. It is recommended to check the details of client before renting them. Then booking process proceeds further with the pay, payment gate. This gives you your earnings. If the host does not approve the guest’s property than after 24 hours it gets automatically expired.
Hence we carry forward the whole process in this manner from the first till end. We feel contented to say you that, airBNB Clone is ease to use, user-friendly script.
Great advice, I am also thinking about changing host.Currently i am using godaddy but server response is very poor, I got warnings from google webmaster tool.
I think the blue host plus package would be good option
Great! Worth reading