Articles by
Unnati Raikangor
Words are amazing, but a chain of words could be extraordinarily amazing. I fashion this chain in a way to enchant line of businesses.
Business Models
Little Facts about the Big Battlefield of Amazon Competitors
a-m--a---z----o-----n! A big game, a big performance, a big win! Twenty-five long years of soaring in a...
Business Models
Let Us Ride Along to Understand How does Careem Work
Have you ever heard anything against on demand? I am sure you have not and you will...
Business Models
Let us Pin the Significant Outlines of How does Thumbtack Work
Are you a noticeboard person to pin your tasks? or have you evolved to the one who...
Business Models
What is TaskRabbit and How does TaskRabbit Work? Let Us Scrutinize About It
On demand economy has been running at a great pace. And as it comes with a set...
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