Online auction
Online auctions are held over internet with the help of some of the platforms or the websites providing online auction services. By means of that platform admin can conduct online auctions. This platforms need is increasing daily at a rapid phase to increase sales across the world. One of the online auction website is eBay, having the highest sales in the market at present. Ranked highest at present for the service it provides.
Why eBay clone?
eBay Clone developed by NCrypted is a online auction site. This will attract sellers to auction their products with eBay Clone. On the other hand it would divert buyers towards your eBay Clone to buy products from the seller. Here payment is directly involved between buyer and seller.
Earrings from, eBay Clone
The rate involved in between connecting buyers to sellers, is the main part of the revenue. Advertisement panels are other source of the income. Payment gateway service included is PayPal. We also provide a provision for PayPal Adaptive which will make your work easier.
With eBay Clone we provide you with special customization, as per your requirements. It will be beneficial for you to develop an eBay Clone with all features as your choice/need, rather than going for all the features and paying for the rest as an extra source to be invested. So get all features within your target budget with us.
Special features
• Private and public auctions
• Multiple payment Gateways
• Private messaging
• Many more
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