*Only available in Enterprise Edition
All products running on BooknRide platform such as BooknRide, Uber Clone and Taxi Booking Script share the same features.
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The admin panel is structured with bright functionalities and at the same time it is easy to use and manage.
Fundamentally it includes various things like google analytics code, newsletters subscribers, static pages management, etc.
Admin has the authority to manage the content of the app as well as he/she can view and edit the content.
Admin can administer the number of users who are identified with the app as the person who is looking for a ride.
The app uses the locations of users so the driver knows where to pick them up. It includes GPS management, tracking management, ride management, etc.
Admin can supervise the number of taxis and keep the tabs on when and how much kilometers the particular taxi has been driven.
In BooknRide, Ride management module is given to admin in which admin can manage the tasks associated with ride management.
Admin has the right to manage the fare of each and every ride using fare management module.
Admin can manage the detailed cost breakdown in an invoice that needs be sent out in email to users.
Admin can create and send the newsletter to the individual or both the user and partner as per their need.
Admin will be able to view online payments, payments related queries in this section.
Admin are able to manage the radius of different trips, manage provider radius, etc.
User can signup or login with their gmail credential, Facebook and Google Plus, etc.
User can signup or login with their gmail credential, Facebook and Google Plus, etc.
BooknRide comes with multi-featured navigation. It allows you to track your trip by using the GPS coordinates or map.
Users have been bestowed with notification panel. It gives notification when booking a ride, ending of ride, payment procedure, etc.
User profile shows the personal details, professional details, address details, business profile, etc.
BooknRide uses the locations of users so the driver knows where to pick them up. User can check the destination on the app to track the ride.
Two types of cars are there. It allows users to choose the car as per their comfortability.
User can save the pickup location and drop-off location using this user-friendly functionality.
After getting the driver details and car details user can confirm a ride based upon their decision.
User can get the fare estimation and estimated time of arrival while confirming his/her ride.
At the time of booking a ride, Driver?s name, mobile number and profile picture can be seen.
On the booking screen, User can check out the type of car, the name of car, the number of car, etc.
User can check out the estimated time of arrival on the booking screen of an application.
BooknRide comes with a user-friendly navigation. It allows you to track your trip by using the GPS coordinates or map.
The fare summary can be calculated upon the base fare, Extra kms and the time taken to reach the destination.
Users are given the facility to store their money in BooknRide wallet and redeem whenever as per their choice.
Users are permitted to get the details of their riding summary and can manage the activity from there.
Payment can be done by cash, credit card and standard PayPal procedure.
User has an option to cancel the ongoing ride under some unavoidable circumstances. Charges would be levied based on the travel done instead of the entire trip charges.
This feature allows users to log in in BooknRide by signing up with Facebook credential, email, etc.
It provides descendant and lateral navigation. It uses user?s location so the driver knows where to pick you up exactly.
Be it a ready-made script or a custom development solution, at NCrypted we are assuring you that final product which is going to be deployed is secure and bug free.
This is used to verify user?s Email, user would get the verification email and by clicking on it, the email will be verified.
BooknRide password recovery feature is chiefly used when one forgot the password and it needs be retrieved.
The user interface has been designed to receive push notification from backend server. Admin can send them at any time.
To guarantee the system to be clear, we have integrated rich featured PayPal standard as our payment gateway in BooknRide.
This module provides the facility to search for rides in an advanced manner. User can search for the rides based on different search criteria provided.
The estimated calculation of the fare can be seen by the users based upon their ride.
Partner can signup or login with their gmail credential, Facebook and Google Plus, etc.
BooknRide comes with navigation. It allows you to track your trip by using the GPS coordinates or map.
The profile of partner shows the address details, business profiles, personal details, professional details, etc
Partners receive a tone and vibration to react upon the requests and they can check the pick-up location and drop-off location to decide whether to accept or deny the ride request.
It allows partners to find out the details of their passengers while checking the ride request.
BooknRide allows partners to act upon the request of users. They can either accept it or deny it.
BooknRide comes with an easy to use navigation. It allows partners to track their trip by using the GPS coordinates or map.
The fare summary can be calculated upon the base fare, Extra kms and the time taken to reach the destination.
Partners can edit their profile information such as First name, Last name, email, profile picture, etc.
BooknRide allows partners to add new cars, enter car name, enter car number, etc.
Partners can view, add, edit and delete the cars as per their interest.
BooknRide permits their partners to get the details of their riding summary and manage the activity.
Partners have been empowered with notification panel. It gives notification when booking a ride, ending of ride, payment procedure, etc.
Partners can get the help from admin by entering their name, mobile number, email, followed by the issue.
Partner/Driver has an option to cancel the accepted ride under some unavoidable circumstances. No action is taken on the driver, however admin has analytics about ride cancellations by each partner.
When any new user is signing up in the application for the first time by filling up the form, he/she will get the verification mail on his/her email and by clicking on it.
BooknRiad is highly scalable, effective and expedient platform. SQL injection free coding is advantageous because it secures data from the robotic and fraud automatic computer programs that directly alter or add dummy data into database.
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*Only available in Enterprise Edition
All products running on BooknRide platform such as BooknRide, Uber Clone and Taxi Booking Script share the same features.
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