ConnectIn is a professional networking software that enables you to get started with your own online community websites like Linkedin, which is a cross-disciplinary website for business connections and professionals to achieve work goals.
This is how your business can earn its share of revenue.
There are three revenue models in website:
- Membership Plans
- Adhoc InMails
- Featured Jobs
Membership plans would be created by admin for users to purchase for getting InMails facilities. InMails is used to send a message to a user who is not in your connection list.
Following details would be required while creating a plan:
- Plan name
- Plan description
- Plan image
- No. of InMails access
- Price per month
Whenever a user purchases a plan, he/she would get reminder 5 days and 2 days before the plan would expire so that he/she can review the plan as per the requirements.
If the user doesn’t upgrade/renew, he/she would not have further access to InMails.
The user would b having an option to buy adhoc InMails. Admin will set price of one InMail from admin panel. If user wants to buy additional inMails, he/she would be asked to enter the quantity and depending on the amount per inMail Price, he/she would have to pay.
When a user posts a job, he/she would have an option to make that job featured by making a payment for the amount as set by admin.