Financial services organizations continuously have to deal with relentless business pressure, immovable regulation and intense market scrutiny. Industry consolidation has reduced the number of players in the market but deepened the capabilities of those remaining, making it more important than ever for firms to differentiate themselves in the market. The emergence of new business models such as crowdfunding and crowd finance (online fund raising platforms) have shown growth rate that has surpassed that of the traditional angel investing and venture funding.
NCrypted helps financial services companies compete by providing solutions such as financial services IT consulting, managed services, SAAS and SOA web services that meet the demands of:
- Your Customers, who expect constantly improving service levels
- Your shareholders, who want bottom and top line results, and
- The regulatory bodies, who demand greater public transparency and accountability.
NCrypted's financial services, consulting and solutions enables financial services companies and entrepreneurs to achieve the improved operational efficiencies, customer retention and acquisition that can quickly deliver long-term return on investment.
Diversified Financial Solutions & The Emergence of Crowdfunding Business Model
Crowdfunding websites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo have seen tremendous success in recent years. The success ratio of such a diversified financial business model has attracted a large pool of enthusiast entrepreneurs to come up with similar business ideas and pose serious competition to existing players.
Crowdfunding is the future of finance. The concept is simple: a large number of people (the crowd) fund small amounts of money to accumulate into an investment large enough to finance a project (or a start-up company).
Crowdfunding is similar to the secondary markets (stock markets) wherein a large amount of investors buy stocks in a company in exchange of equity. Majority of the crowdfunding financial websites don't work on equity based model and rather prefers a "rewards" based model. Crowdfunding is based on the principle of crowdsourcing. An example of a crowdsourcing model is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia that is completely written by users, containing over 3 million articles in English. A large number of people all put a little effort in reaching a big goal together.
Some famous crowdfunding initiatives are SellaBand and KIVA, but also president Obama used the power of the crowd to fund his election campaign in 2008 and raised 137 million dollar by using crowdfunding!
NCrypted has come up with a scalable and innovative crowdfunding platform, Fundraiser, to meet this emerging market requirement.