What is Hulu Clone?
Entertainment industry is growing day by day and total number of audios and videos are immensely increasing over several websites like YouTube, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Vimeo, IMDB and many more. All among YouTube is one of the most popular and preferred online video streaming website in the world. Online video streaming websites provides people with amuse in their leisure time and help them to create videos and upload on same to create and share wonderful memories among themselves.
Due to huge demand of video streaming online and inspired from several popular websites and demand for online video streaming website clone has been increased and Hulu Clone is one of the emerging trend in online video streaming websites.
NCrypted's Hulu Clone
Hulu Clone is one of the popular online video streaming websites where people can stream video related to movies, video clips, TV shows, footage etc. OTT service subscription model is being preferred which offers ad-supported video on their website through which ROI can be increased. Basically Hulu uses Flash Video format with various display dimensions like 288p, 720 or 1080p HD.
You can launch Hulu Clone website with standard functionality and if needed you can also integrate your own ideas into it and can make unique online streaming website to gain edge and popularity in market. Hulu Clone is ready to launch on platforms like,
- Browsers
- Tablets
- Smartphones
- Apple TV
- iTunes
- Smart TVs
Huge libraries can be created for different platform as mentioned, along with free subscription videos and to get more number of videos you need to have paid subscriptions.
How to make money using Hulu clone script?
Hulu clone basically provides video streaming services to those who subscribe for it. The subscribers are entitled to pay the monthly subscription fees (membership plans) to get access to unlimited TV shows, videos and movies. The administrator can thus generate huge revenues by creating a website similar to Hulu with these Hulu clone script. He can also supplement it with advertisement based model where money is generated from the commercial advertisements that comes between the shows. However, the membership/subscription fees is always a variable factor that can be customized according to the business requirements.
The administrator can also provide the online services facilitating the subscriber to order the DVD of the movies. This adds not only to their services but also help them in aggregating huge money from the script.
Features of Hulu Clone
Hulu Clone is robust and scalable online streaming platform to launch videos for categories like
- Popular Shows, Movie, Trailers, Episode, and 25 Clips Popular panel show all the popular shows, movies, trailers, episode or clips that are on the website. So the visitors don't need to search all through the website to find the most popular videos.
Recommended video panel
- The recommended video panel helps the visitors to find the search for similar videos whenever they search for their required videos. This panel will help users to get familiar search results for their search quires.
Recently Added videos
- It is very difficult for the visitors to find the recently added videos as they might be categorized inside their specific category. Recently added video panel will display all the list of recently added videos, which will help the visitors to learn about the new videos being introduced.
Video detail
- All the videos being uploaded on the site has detailed information like video name, video category, a small description. It has various features such as like, share, add to favorite for registered users and much more.
Movie and video game Trailers
- Hulu Clone includes trailers of various fields like movie, video games, kids' series, etc. This videos help visitors to get reviews about the upcoming movies or ideas about the upcoming games.
Watch History
- Hulu Clone allows the registered users to watch the video history. This helps them to search the history for their watched videos.
Statistics of hulu clone
- Video includes statistics like number of favorites, number of likes, number of shares, number of reviews and number of visitors watched that video.
Manage category
- Admin can mange category. According to the requirement admin can create categories, manage them and delete them. Categories are very important from the point of view to classify the products to make website user-friendly.
If you are entertainment lover and planning to start video streaming website then Hulu Clone helps you to launch online video website successfully with your own creative functionality included.
Ready-to-go Hulu Clone Script or Custom Development Solution - Choice is Yours
Ready-to-go Hulu Clone Platform: Our Hulu clone platform already has standard features developed that enables you to kick start your project quickly with quality. The advantage of working with us is the fact that we've already got the base ready for you! The website clone architecture that we use in creating cutting-edge clone scripts similar to Hulu is highly scalable, robust, user-friendly and can easily be customized as per your project requirements.
Hulu Clone Custom Development Solution: While ready-to-go off-the-shelf Hulu clone script enables you to easily launch your own website similar to Hulu at a comparatively cheaper cost initially, you will also want to customize it extensively if the market segment already has significant competition. You simply wouldn't want to go ahead with another me-too website that doesn't deliver a unique message to your target audience and doesn't provide any unique features different than your competitors. A good Hulu clone script may have basic features that will allow you to test the shores with a prototype but that might not be enough for a website you are planning to make money with! If you launch your full fledged website with the same common features that everybody else has, why would visitors still be interested in your website which has nothing new or different to offer compared to Hulu or the common competition using the same Hulu clone script?
Enter NCrypted! This is our expertise and this is what we do. Trust us when we say you will need customization, as you definitely will since your website visitors will want to see something different when they visit your site.
We have the base Hulu clone platform ready for you and since the platform is highly expandable and customizable, we can easily modify it to match with your requirements, be it for some design UI (user interface) tweaks or a complete custom design or a responsive web design requirement, a few features alteration or addition of many new unique features and modules - we have been doing it all and are eager to listen to your requirements.